The Riley Fire in Denali National Park continues to be an active event, please read more on our social media and Travel Planning pages

Right-of-Way Use Legal Issues

1. State & Federal Statutes

  •   Act of 1914 - U.S. legislation authorizing the construction and operation of a railroad in Alaska. (March 12, 1914) (294KB)
  •   Alaska Railroad Transfer Act (ARTA) - U.S. Code Title 45 - Railroads: transfers ownership of the Alaska Railroad from federal government to state government. (January 14, 1983)
  •   Alaska Railroad Corporation Act (ARCA) - Alaska Statute (42.40) establishing the Alaska Railroad Corporation as a public corporation authorized to own and operate the Alaska Railroad. (1984)

2. Legal Materials Relating to ROW Ownership and Exclusive Use

 a. Alaska Railroad Legal Position and Analysis

  b.  Bureau of Land Management Materials

  U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Solicitor's Legal Opinion Regarding Conveyance of Federal Interests in Alaska Railroad Lands.. (12/20/2012) (931KB)

  BLM Letter to Roy Longacre Regarding Conveyance of Federal Interests in Alaska Railroad Lands.(1/22/2013) (712KB)

 c. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Interior Board of Appeals (IBLA) Case 2014-27 (ROW Patent Appeal)

 BLA Case No. 2014-27 Alaska Railroad Answer to Supplemental Statement of Reasons (June 10, 2015) (3.4 MB)